Eddie Luis - violin 1
Elisabeth Weber- violin 2
Elisabeth Reitbauer - viola
Lukas Raumberger - upright bass
2 violins, one viola and one upright bass form the original band “HEANZEN QUARTETT” with its unique Austrian folk music sound: NO electricity! Prof. Rudi Pietsch is a teacher and protagonist of this idea and a true trend-setter for inspiration. Other models and helpers on the way to authentic performance of an almost forgotten or even unknown music treasure are Prof. Hermann Härtel, prof. Sepp Spanner, the Styrian Volksliedwerk and members of Wiener Philharmoniker.
The ELISEN musicians play printed and MS editions of Austrian folk music collections including songs, marches, polkas, mazurkas and waltzes from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, and love so-called HEANZEN MUSIC in traditional Burgenland style.


From love for austrian string music was in 1998 with Hermann Härtel Jun, Marie-Theres und Line Härtel created the “CITOLLER ECHO”. They met each other very rare, because of different studies. In 2014 created EL, 1. violinist the ELISENQUARTET. The name came with the 2. violinist and violist Elisabeth.
Eddie Luis: Vl 1, Elisabeth Grundner: Vl 2 (till 2015) Ava Hassani, Elisabeth Reitbauer: viola, Lukas Raumberger: upright bass
The “HEANZEN QUARTET” music, string musik from Austria and for that special arrangements Vienna Marsches, Polkas and Waltz.